U.S. Agricultural Policies
Since 2000, Wise has focused on U.S. agricultural policies and their impacts on farmers in developing countries. His research has shown that U.S. agricultural subsidies are not the primary cause of agricultural dumping; instead, agricultural policies (including subsidies) that encourage overproduction of commodity crops such as corn drive down prices below the costs of production. He has also shown that the main beneficiaries are not U.S. farmers, who see prices depressed by such policies, but agribusiness firms which benefit from maximum sales of their inputs and others that cash in on farm goods sold below the costs of production. This has fed the rise of industrial livestock firms that get an “implicit subsidy” for their feed costs.
Still Waiting for the Farm Boom: Family Farmers Worse Off Despite High Crop Prices, by Timothy A. Wise, GDAE Policy Brief 11-01, March 2011
“Boom for Whom? Family Farmers Saw Lower On-Farm Income Despite High Prices,” by Timothy A. Wise and Alicia Harvie, GDAE Policy Brief 09-02, February 2009
“Sweetening the Pot: Implicit Subsidies to Corn Sweeteners and the U.S. Obesity Epidemic,” by Alicia Harvie and Timothy A. Wise, GDAE Policy Brief 09-01, February 2009
"Identifying the Real Winners from U.S. Agricultural Policies," Timothy A. Wise, GDAE Working Paper No. 05-07, December, 2005
“Understanding the Farm Problem: Six Common Errors in Presenting Farm Statistics,” by Timothy A. Wise, GDAE Working Paper No. 05-02, March 2005
The U.S. Is Dumping More Than Tariffs on Mexico, Timothy A. Wise and Stewart A.L. James, Truthdig (English and Spanish), January 27, 2024.
U.S. Misuses Trade Agreements to Undermine Food Sovereignty, IPS News, Dec. 11, 2023. (A version appears in Spanish on Contralinea, “EU, con transgénicos y dumping agrícola, va por la soberanía alimentaria de México.”)
The U.S. Assault on Mexico’s Food Sovereignty, IPS News, June 6, 2023. (Also available in Spanish.)
Swimming Against the Tide: Mexico’s quest for food sovereignty in the face of U.S. agricultural dumping, IATP Policy Report, May 15, 2023. (Also available in Spanish.)
US Agricultural Dumping: A Primer From: Swimming Against the Tide: Mexico’s quest for food sovereignty in the face of U.S. agricultural dumping, Appendix 2, IATP Policy Report, May 2023.
"NAFTA’s Rural Legacy: Dumping, Displacement, and Dependency", Excerpt from Chapter 8, Eating Tomorrow, Published on Medium, December 15, 2019
Keep Your Eyes on the Price: WTO Remains Blind to Agricultural Dumping, Timothy A. Wise and Sophia Murphy, Food Tank, December 15, 2017
WTO Summit to Ignore Price Crisis, Agricultural Dumping, Timothy A. Wise, Common Dreams, December 10, 2017
Mexico: The Cost of U.S. Dumping, by Timothy A. Wise, NACLA Report on the Americas, January/February, 2011
Subsidios a la deslealtad, Timothy A. Wise, El Universal, octubre 2010
"Agricultural Dumping Under NAFTA: Estimating the Costs of U.S. Agricultural Policies to Mexican Producers," by Timothy A. Wise, Mexican Rural Development Research Report No. 7, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 2010. (An earlier version appeared as GDAE Working Paper No. 09-08, December 2009)
Dumping Responsibility on Third World Farmers Yet Again, Timothy A. Wise, The Wire, December 13, 2015
“Barking Up the Wrong Tree: Agricultural Subsidies, Dumping, and Policy Reform,” Bridges Trade Monthly, Timothy A. Wise, May 2004. (Also available in Spanish, in Puentes entre el comercio y el desarrollo sostenible.)
“The Paradox of Agricultural Subsidies: Measurement Issues, Agricultural Dumping, and Policy Reform,” by Timothy A. Wise, GDAE Working Paper 04-02, February 2004 (Also available in Spanish.)
“Hogging the Gains From Trade: The Real Winners from U.S. Trade and Agricultural Policies” by Timothy A. Wise and Betsy Rakocy, GDAE Policy Brief 10-01, February 2010
"Feeding at the Trough: Industrial Livestock Firms Saved $35 billion From Low Feed Prices," by Elanor Starmer and Timothy A. Wise, GDAE Policy Brief 07-03, December 2007
"Living High on the Hog: Factory Farms, Federal Policy, and the Structural Transformation of Swine Production," by Elanor Starmer and Timothy A. Wise, GDAE Working Paper No. 07-04, December 2007
"Industrial Livestock Companies' Gains from Low Feed Prices, 1997-2005," by Timothy A. Wise and Elanor Starmer, GDAE Policy Brief 07-01, February, 2007
"Feeding the Factory Farm: Implicit Subsidies to the Broiler Chicken Industry," Elanor Starmer, Aimee Witteman and Timothy A. Wise, GDAE Working Paper No. 06-03, June, 2006
Will 2020 Democrats address ag-industry concentration? Des Moines Register, March 26, 2019
Buyer Power in U.S. Hog Markets: A Critical Review of the Literature, by Timothy A. Wise and Sarah E. Trist, GDAE Working Paper No. 10-04, August 2010
Monopolies are Killing Our Farms, by Timothy A. Wise, nationally syndicated column by Other Words, April 12, 2010
Eating Tomorrow
Eating Tomorrow excerpts
Articles and Reports
Land and Food Rights in Africa
Agroecology vs. Green Rev
Feeding the World
World Hunger
Climate Change
2007-8 Crisis and Response
Agroecology vs. Green Rev
Financial Speculation
Depolarizing the GMO Debate
Latin America & Rural Dev
Working Group Projects
Revaluing Small-Scale Farms
GM Corn in Mexico
Trade and Global Governance
Mexico under NAFTA
WTO & Trade Governance
Other Trade Agreements
U.S. Agricultural Policies
Beyond Agricultural Subsidies
Agricultural Dumping
Feeding the Factory Farm
Corporate Concentration